I know I've been gone forever! A new job, a high school graduation, a college graduation and a wedding all the course of 6-7 weeks will do that to you. Once the wedding is over I hope to get back to blogging and reading my favorite blogs. I miss all of you terribly.
For now, I'm going to leave you with Jeremy's final performance in high school. Chris put it on God Tube so I'm just going to give you the link. This night was the spring concert and the seniors get to choose a solo to do if they wish. The really cool thing is he goes to a public school and his choir teachers gave him free reign to do whatever wanted. Jeremy completely designed and created his own thing to the Casting Crowns song "Set Me Free". It really says it all. I am so proud of him!!! I pray he will always use his gifts to the glory of God!
Blessings! I'll talk to you soon!
Just in case you can't see the video below or it's too small, here is the link to the website.
Praying with New Partners
5 months ago