You know that feeling you get when your plate is soooo full you just feel like your drowning.... I think I have officially arrived there!! Dayschool is starting in a couple weeks. I was asked about 2 weeks ago to move up to the four year old department. Both 4 year old teachers are moving. I have been in the three's for about 4 years now and thought ok, this will be exciting. Well, the excitement has started to wear off and desperation has begun setting in! Really, the excitement has not worn off, that sinking feeling has just set in... school now starts in 2 weeks and I feel like I am no where near being ready. I feel like I'm my life as I knew it is over :) Obviously that is a bit exaggerated :) I know it will all eventually come into place, right now it's all just overwhelming.
The first big thing was I had to change class rooms, mine was not big enough for the fours. That in and of itself was a huge undertaking. I am finally settled in after spending practically every day at school and now begins the enormous task of curriculum. There is obviously a good curriculum already in place, but every teacher is different. Their organizations skills are not the same as mine, not that they were not organized, we just all have our own preferred way. And of course there are always things you want to change or add to fit your style of teaching. I have been on the web getting new material almost every day and have finally begun to at least get the months organized. I figure if I can go ahead and at least put every month together, I can then go back and get each months activities together and organized. But I'm also to the point now where sleep is fleeting. I go to sleep fine...exhausted. But if I wake up before the alarm goes off to go the ladies room etc.... forget it, my mind is going a mile a minute with all the things I still need to get done.
Please be praying for me that I will be able to get everything together, get some sleep and keep my sanity in the process. I want God to use me through my teaching these children to not only teach them and prepare them for kindergarten, but to show them Him. To show them love, compassion and understanding. To show them Jesus with skin on. I pray that God's hand will guide me as I teach and love these children.
And now.... I'm off to school... again!! :)
Praying with New Partners
4 months ago
I'll be praying for you! You'll do great! The kids love you and at least they can go to the bathroom by themselves at this point! Hopefully, that is!!
Thanks for the prayers!! And...I hadn't even thought about the bathroom thing. One more plus on the bathroom side is I moved to the room that's right at the bottom of the stairs. That's like having a bathroom in your classroom! Thanks for helping me to find a bright point!!
I know you are going to do a great job teaching the four year olds. You do a great job at everything you do. Just relax and everything will come together. Love ya and miss all the activity that I would have been doing at this time if I were still there. Love ya!!!
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