I seem to be thinking a lot about the power of prayer lately. Not that I don't always pray and I know its power, there are just times when everything seems to be more focused through my prayers. Now seems to be one of those times. There are several things that are heavy on my heart that I have been in constant prayer about over the last couple of weeks.
I find myself praying several times a day for these things and it feels like I sometimes say the same things over and over. It sometimes makes me wonder if God gets tired of hearing the same things over and over from us. Like we sometimes do when someone keeps pestering us about the same thing constantly. Even though I know He doesn't feel that way, the human side of me sometimes still wonders about it.
I am so thankful for a God who has given us His word so that when we feel those types of things, we can go to His word and know that He never grows tired of hearing from us. As I was doing my bible studying the other day I started looking through my bible for something I had marked. I ran across the verse Romans 8:26 (which wasn't what I was looking for at the time, or was it?) "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." Wow! It's not that I haven't seen that verse before, I have it marked it my bible, but I love the way that God brings us things through His word just when we need it! The way His word is new every day! Because even if we've read something a million times, God's word has a way of hitting us with freshness and newness every time we read it. I know that I didn’t just happen to run across that verse at that time. God knew that I needed to be reminded that He still wants to hear from me even if I’m coming to Him with the same ole’ things. He wanted to remind me, He understands my pain and my groanings and He longs to hear from me.
I am so thankful that as God hears my prayers, which I sometimes feel must be like reruns to Him, that the Spirit intercedes for me in ways I cannot imagine. The phrase "groanings too deep for words" is so powerful. Because sometimes I don't even know what to pray, but to know that God knows my heart so well, that the Spirit is groaning before the Father, just for ME (and for you) is one of the most amazing comforts I know.
Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
I know that God hears my prayers and that whatever way they are answered, He will work it all out for good. I praise God for the sending of His son, so that we can have that connection to the Father while we are here on this earth. How much more incredible is that connection going to be when we see Him face to face! I can't wait!
Praying with New Partners
5 months ago
Thanks for your thoughts! Man, I am finding your words to be true more and more every day. Prayer is so powerful! What is also so amazing about it, is that God usually answers in a way we would have never expected! That brings me joy and makes my relationship with Him all the more exciting!
Great thoughts! I'm with you!
Jenny, I know what you mean! God's answers are so incredible, why are we sometimes so surprised by them? I also love the joy it brings in my relationship with God! In the words of my daughter, It's Amaaaazing!
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